Dairy Science Digest
Dairy Science Digest - a podcast developed to share the MOST current research published in the Journal of Dairy science. Hear directly from the research authors on how their results can impact your herd’s profitability. Science you can base your management decisions around. Designed to rarely exceed 30 minutes, this podcast provides ONLY the ”need to know” info for dairy producers. Keywords: dairy, science, reproduction, production, extension, cattle, MIZZOU, MU, Dairy Team, #2xAg2030
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
DSD 4.4 | Early Estrus Settles Cows
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
What if you were able to tell within the first 10-14 days of lactation, if a cow would settle to first service – two months later? What tools are being developed to help answer that question?
This month we talk with Dr. Stefan Borchardt about work his research team recently completed using AMS (activity monitoring systems) to track the impact of transition, on estrus expression and corelate that to reproductive success or failure.
Understanding the correlations described in this month’s feature article: “Effect of transition cow health and estrous expression detected by an automated activity monitoring system within 60 days in milk on reproductive performance of lactating Holstein cows” will help managers link physiological changes to an AMS data set and make tangible changes to improve their reproduction program.
Early estrous sets the cow up for success, and AMS will become a data driven way to assess this. Listen in today!
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY; #AMS; #estrous; #VWP; #dairysciencedigest; #ReaganBluel
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
DSD 4.3 | Financial thresholds of successful dairies in NY
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
The dairy industry is capital intensive. Maintaining strong relationships with your lender, based on YOUR farm’s financial data, will help navigate through all the different market conditions. Specifically, using financial thresholds and benchmarking against similar farms will help your farm’s financial resiliency over time.
This month Dr. Chris Wolf joins us from Cornell to discuss the article is titled, “Financial risk and resiliency on US dairy farms: Measures, thresholds, and management implications”. Listen in to this deep dive into the metrics the Cornell dairy team used to benchmark over a 10-year period.
Additionally, we discuss the recent Silicon Valley bale out and if we should expect it to have any impact on Ag Lending. Understanding these key financial thresholds is an effective management tool for successful herds throughout New York, listen in to see what they can do for your farm!
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY; #benchmark; #FINBIN; #CornellBusinessSummary; #financialresiliency
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
DSD 4.2 | How to anticipate colostrum changes
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Colostrum: the liquid gold of life for newborn dairy calves. While it’s fairly universally understood how important colostrum is, we occasionally encounter the bizarre situation when a cow comes in with very little or no colostrum. Then, shortly later another cow comes in and nearly overflows the bucket. This situation intrigued researchers out of New York to closely study 19 Holstein herds in attempt to find associations of management to colostrum yield and quantity.
Listen in to Trent Westhoff from Cornell as he discusses the recently published article titled, "Epidemiology of bovine colostrum production in New York Holsteinherds: Cow, management, and environmental factors". You'll learn about the all the associations that can impact colostrum quantity and quality such as barn lighting, dry period management, parity and more.
By anticipating these colostrum inventories you'll ultimately become a better manager of your newborn calves - Listen in!
To read the full Open access JDS article: https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/article/S0022-0302(22)00750-0/pdf
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
DSD 4.1 | Fueling the appetite of your herd
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
A good rule of thumb many nutritionists work by; when the cow increases intake - every 1 pound of feed increase will result in 2.5 additional pounds of milk. Capturing this “marginal milk” helps increase profits for dairy producers who are already covering all the fixed costs of the herd. For years, Dr. Mike Allen and others have studied the mechanisms that control intake so we can learn how to tweak our diet to maximize intake.
This month Dr. Barry Bradford joins us from Michigan State University to discuss the article is titled, “Fueling Appetite: Nutrient metabolism and the control of feed intake”. Listen in to this symposium review on this important topic to learn how we can manipulate the ration ingredients, or fuel source, to help increase her drive to eat and prevent negative feedback.
Understanding these mechanisms can help us better read and manage the herd’s needs through all phases of production and capture these profit margin opportunities.
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
DSD 3.12 | One minute delay is costing you
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
On-farm data mining from your parlor equipment could help you identify bimodality in your herd. Bimodality refers to delayed milk ejection during the early phase of the milking. Previous research and repeated work by M. Wieland’s team has shown that a delay in milk let down can result in a significant loss of milk. Equipped with this information our guest this month, Dr. Matthias Wieland, would take a sophisticated tool on farms to test parlor efficiency and effectiveness in milkout.
One trip he wondered – Could we reliability use parlor equipment to make similar assessments? This month we learn the answer to that question highlighted in the featured article, “Comparison of 2 types of milk flow meters for detecting bimodality in dairy cows”.
Listen in to learn more about the negative impacts of bimodality in your herd, what parlor equipment can do to help and ultimately how to motivate the parlor staff to break the cycle of bimodality. A little attention on this low hanging fruit could make a big impact in your bottomline - your software may be collecting all the information needed to manage through bimodality.
For more information visit:
Quality milk production services (QMPS)https://www.vet.cornell.edu/animal-health-diagnostic-center/programs/quality-milk-production
Other Recently published, relevant articles from Wieland Risk factors for delayed milk ejection in Holstein dairy cows milked 3 times per day, Wieland et al. Journal of Dairy Science June 27, 2022
The effect of 2 different premilking stimulation regimens, with and without manual forestripping, on teat tissue condition and milking performance in Holstein dairy cows milked 3 times daily J. Dairy Sci. 2020
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
DSD 3.11 | Ultrasound assessment of pneumonia
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is a costly concern primarily during the calf phase production. This is especially relevant to veal production, when young and venerable calves are commingled from many farms. However, BVD breakouts can also occur on calf ranches raising dairy x beef calves or even individual dairy farms.
This month Dr. Stan Jourquin joins us from Ghent University in Belgium to discuss his article is titled, “Dynamics of subclinical pneumonia in male dairy calves in relation to antimicrobial therapy and production outcomes”. Listen in to learn how pneumonia might be lurking in your herd without your knowledge.
Consider ways to use ultrasound as a tool to quickly and reliability assess animals upon receipt to allow for differential management. Overall losses, from chronically ill animals, could be decreased by warding off the spread of infection and promoting early cure. Once lungs are severely consolidated, these animals are 4.2x more likely to become chronic and experience -0.25 lbs average daily gain over this phase of production.
For more information visit:Open access Journal article: https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/article/S0022-0302(22)00644-0/fulltext UC Davis BRD Clinical symptom scoring system: https://www.vmtrc.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk5141/files/local_resources/pdfs/BRD_ANR_Brochure_Nov%202016%20FINAL.PDF
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
DSD 3.10| Fetal programming effects of Choline
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Fetal programming is an emerging topic. This month listen in to learn more about how feeding Choline to your transition pen could transform the metabolism and next generation of the herd. Researcher Dr. Tucker Swartz at the Michigan State University and his team in Bradford’s lab fed choline 24 days prior to freshening and measured the impact on the calf's success through the preweaning phase. These results are in press in the Journal of Dairy Science titled, “Effects of prenatal dietary rumen-protected choline supplementation during late gestation on calf growth, metabolism, and vaccine response.”
They found impacts in the energy metabolism and immune function. Listen in for more information on how this affordable addition holds a large ROI on this phase of production and more.
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
DSD 3.9| Turn methane from a liability into an asset
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
While it is a fairly unpopular topic among most dairymen, the carbon neutrality goal for 2050 has been declared by leaders of the dairy industry to ensure we are meeting the desires of consumers. This month Dr. Frank Mitloehner joins us from UC Davis to discuss his article is titled, “Defining a pathway to climate neutrality for US dairy cattle production”. Listen in to learn how this goal can become an asset to your balance sheet, through carbon credits on the open market.
We discuss the State of California and their relationship with their dairy industry as a case study. The ultimate result of an investment of public money has propelled CA dairy producers toward the goal of a 40% decrease in dairy methane by 2030. Revenues generated from the methane digesters result following the conversion of gas into a useable fuel for vehicles and the sale of carbon credits on the open market. Listen in to better understand the ideal size of operation, costs of install, annual assets and how to be part of the climate solution while cashflowing.
Dr. Mitloehner can be found on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/GHGGuru and https://twitter.com/UCDavisCLEAR.
For more information visit:
https://clear.ucdavis.edu/news/climate-neutrality https://youtu.be/UOPrF8oyDYw and
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Monday Aug 15, 2022
DSD 3.8 | The high fertility cycle
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
This month Drs. Keith E. Latham and J. Richard Pursley join us from Michigan State University to discuss their research comparing cows that maintained body condition versus those who lost during the first month of lactation, and the impact that has on reproductive success.
Dairy producers are familiar with the struggles cows have when the transition period fails and cows thin down. Turns out these researchers identified part of the reproductive puzzle, a molecular change on the oocyte which potentially explains poor fertility for those who loose condition.
Listen in as Dr. Pursley describes the “High fertility cycle” your herd can experience when all the puzzle pieces fall in place. He’ll provide reproductive benchmarks to assess to ensure your herd avoids over conditioning and therefore improve reproductive performance in the following lactation.
This month’s feature article “Effects of early lactation body condition loss in dairy cows on serum lipid profiles and on oocyte and cumulus cell transcriptomes” is found here in the Journal of Dairy Science. For more information about Bovine Reproduction, visit the MSU Bovine Reproductive management website at: https://dairycattlereproduction.com/
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Figure 6 - Referenced in the DSD 3.8
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
DSD 3.7 | Is She Settled?
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
How much would you value knowing that she’s bred earlier than convention? Canadian researcher Dr. Jean Durocher and his team at DHI was approached by dairy producers to determine the feasibility of weekly milk PAG testing all the way down to 23 days post insemination, potentially helping resync and rebreed her a week earlier.
The cost of days open can range from $3.00-$5.50/cow/day. Knowing her status sooner will assist in decreasing these costs.
This month’s feature article “Bayesian estimation of sensitivity and specificity of a milk pregnancy-associated glycoprotein ELISA test for pregnancy diagnosis between 23 and 27 days after insemination in Holstein dairy cows” found here.
#2xAg2030; #journalofdairyscience; @jdairyscience; #openaccess; #MODAIRY
Reagan Bluel
As dairy specialist at the University of Missouri, I am passionate about providing research based information to dairy producers in a format easy to listen to.
Log in every month to learn straight from the researchers, information that could transform your herd.
For more information reach out at reagan@modairy.org or bluelrj@missouri.edu